Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Root Time-Chocolate-ology

What better way to learn roots than using CHOCOLATE?!?!?

Enter our raffle to win a $25.00 gift card to TPT! There will be two lucky winners have to tap into your inner CHOCOLATE-OLIGIST and create a new word with chocolate as your base word!  Below are examples from our students! 


Take a look at our Chocolate Roots product on TPT for just $3.00!  A super fun and easy way to introduce roots or a fun activity if you have already implemented root instruction!!!  Have fun!

Friday, June 17, 2016

Root Time Episode 3

OK...not gonna lie we are PUMPED to be vlogging about roots and pretty amazed we have actually filmed 3 Root Time episodes!!!  YEAAA  It is our hope you see the importance of root instruction and bring them into your classroom or school!!!


Thursday, June 16, 2016

Here we go!!!! Our second episode of ROOT TIME!!!!  We have always kind of struggled on what to say on our we took to the method of just chatting up roots!!!!  Our goal is to post an episode once a month but wanted to kick off our fun new discussions with some back to back episodes.  We want to get to the heart of things which is ROOT INSTRUCTION!!  We may take a few adventures here and there.....but that's for another day:)  


Enjoy episode 2!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Root Time Episode 1


We are so excited to share our love (and obsession) of Greek roots!

We hope you enjoy our attempt at vlogging!  Not gonna lie--we are new to the vlogging scene but we could not think of a better way to communicate the fun and importance of teaching roots! 

Keep watching as we share the importance of root instruction..the fun teaching roots...and we may even toss in a contest or two to amp up the excitement!!!

Share your thoughts about roots and stop back in a few days to continue our journey!!!