I absolutely LOVE this time of the year when it is more socially acceptable (at least to me!) to stay into the waaaaay late hours of the night working in my classroom! I am totally excited that this year I will be teaching 2nd grade again and that I am staying in the same classroom...It sure makes decorating and planning much easier!
After spending a couple weeks working nonstop here is what I will call my home away from home for the next 9 months!
Our school is a Leader In Me school so we have lots of color paintings that were added by the teachers around the entire building! You can't help but be happy when you enter through our doors. Outside my classroom our amazing art teacher helped me make the above vision come true! I LOVE reading every morning when walking into my classroom!
I wanted my classroom to be bright but still have a little bit of superhero action tied into it from my previous classrooms so you will see splashes of different superheroes throughout the room! The kids really love it and they love trying to guess my favorite superhero!
This year I also added my math workshop board. After a year of learning second grade I made it a goal to have more guided math and center time this year.
This is my word wall/strategies/vocabulary wall
I'm trying something new with my word wall this year...instead of sorting by high frequency words we will add words based on phonics patterns and rules.
Check back in a couple of weeks and I'll let you in on a fun way that helps my students learn and use their weekly vocabulary words! :)
This summer we had an amazing inservice with Tim Rasinski focusing on fluency in the classroom. One of our goals as a building this year is to begin "word harvesting" with our students through the various texts that we read daily. We will be looking for "Incredible Words" to smash on the wall with the Hulk!
This wall is dedicated to our classroom data as well as one my favorite things...Our Root Wall!!! Like last year I have section the board off into three sections; prefixes, roots, and suffixes. I learned that this was a much better way to help my second graders learn these affixes a little better than have them all mixed together! I can't wait to get started!
I'm so excited for the new year!!!
Check out our new Phonics Packet! It includes the different phonics rules and patterns along with word wall words and a phonics journal!