Thursday, November 27, 2014

Tis' the Season To Shop.....TPT Style!
No better time to teach those Greek roots--and what better way then on sale!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

All About The Roots!

Wow! Time has just flown by since our last update! I can't believe that it is already I am amazed how much we have learned these past two months!  I am so glad we have finally found time to slow down update you a little about what's been happening this school year! 


It is always Fair Week right in the beginning of the school year! I have a couple top reason to attend the fair- fried food, lemon shake ups, and my favorite Winning a goldfish for my classroom! This year I can say that I successfully completed my mission and even more! Not only did I win a goldfish but also a tadpole and hermit crab! So cool! My students love these pets! 


This year our entire school is implementing some type of Root Word Work within their day! So amazing hear little kids from kindergarten to second grade tell you the meaning of a root word and that they saw a word with the root in it somewhere! 

We have a short Morning Meeting every morning as a whole school, we do lots of amazing things in a 10 minute time frame! Our kids lead most of it with the Pledge, Mission Statement, Weather, Birthday Wishes, and a song! It's an powerful way to start your morning together and everyone can't help but feel happy and excited when leaving to begin the rest of the day!

One other special part of our morning meeting is that we introduce the Root of the Day! This is where Krista and other teachers or kids act out the root that we are learning for the day! This is awesome and the kids LOVE it! They are so fun and creative and it really helps the kids learn and remember the root! Here is the root BIO--- As you can see our two biologist! :)

We are using the Interactive Root Scrapbook as our guide.  We complete two roots a week with one day to review and the have pictures of the roots and their meaning throughout the hallway of the school! Its pretty awesome to see all that we have learned already! Here is the Root Scrapbook-

How to Start??

Now we did just jump into learning these roots with the scrapbook right off the bat.  We introduced the students to prefixes and suffixes first and explained how they changed a base word. We used our prefix and suffix word building activity to help explain the process.  The kids loved it and immediately caught on! They found (and continue to find) these prefixes and suffixes everywhere!

Here is what it looks like in action! 

If you are interested you can check it out here.... It covers the roots that should be introduced in Kindergarten and First grade but it was a great review for my Second graders! 

Finally--- We have Chocolate Roots Free for a limited time!This is another great way to introduce roots to your class especially if they have some prior knowledge of roots! It's super fun and you even get to have some chocolate!! Your students will creating their new chocolate candy bar wrappers using the roots! 

Enjoy!! We will be adding some more ways to incorporate roots into your class this week! Happy November!