Saturday, October 13, 2012

OH NO........
Let's have a little bloggy fun!!!  
What are your first year teaching horror stories OR if you have been in the game enough to build a few of those embarrassing moments let's share:)  

I am going to do the honors with a story NOT about me....LOL but my dear first year teacher friend Julie!!!    
Check out the picture below....NEED I SAY MORE!!!!!
 Please share your stories!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! My most embarrassing moment was one year we had a pet rabbit. The kids read to her in the reading center. One boy had the rabbit in a bean bag chair and I went and picked her up and sat down on the chair with her to listen to him read. Unfortunately, she had peed on the bean bag!!!!!!!!!! I had to wash my pants out in the bathroom sink but you could still TELL! Ick!
